EXCLUSIVE Keep the clouds away with this sunshine yellow arrangement of fresh roses, cremones, alstroemeria and daisy poms, hand-designed by our florists in a reusable white ceramic pitcher. A refreshing surprise that celebrates the bright side of life.
Bright bouquet of roses, cremones, alstroemeria, daisy poms, solidago, monte casino and variegated pittosporum
Hand-designed by our florists in a stunning, food-safe white handled ceramic pitcher; measures 7.75"H
The food-safe pitcher can be reused to serve refreshing beverages, to hold kitchen utensils or for Mom to display more springtime bouquets (see above images for examples of after use)
Features a festive twist of a fresh lemon in the vase
Large arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 16"W
Medium arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 14"W
Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 12"W
Our florists select the freshest flowers available so floral colors and varieties may vary